Creating commercial edge for ambitious B2B brands

Full-service B2B agency

Klausen and Partners A/S is a full-service B2B agency based in Copenhagen. We can help you find, develop, and nurture your company’s commercial edge.


Client: NNIT
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A change of Strategy

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Client: Topsoe
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Renewable solutions campaign

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Client: Prokura
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Brand foundation for very ambitious consultancy

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Some of the ambitious clients we work with

“Again and again, Klausen and Partners demonstrate an instinctive understanding of what it takes to execute efficient marketing for a large, sprawling organization in an industry that is subject to global events and fluctuations. No matter what we throw at them, they deliver.”


Guide to B2B marketing excellence

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About us

Our business is Business to Business.

Klausen and Partners is a Copenhagen-based team of B2B specialists dedicated to tackling complex marketing challenges. Founded as a direct marketing agency in 1987, we are long-term fans of targeted and measurable communication.

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Hello Team

Employer Branding. In your hands.

Getting to know the ins and outs of your company is difficult enough. Getting to know your colleagues on top of that can be a job of its own. Hello Team is a web application that grants single-point access to employee contact information, company value proposition, and an internal news hub– all in one place. Improve your onboarding process and get the information you need to stay in the know, at work, or on the go.

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Får I nok forretning ud af jeres marketing?

Med et B2B Commercial Sanity Check er det nemt at visualisere værdien af dine kampagner. Svar på tre spørgsmål, så vender vi tilbage med ammunition til næste budgetmøde. Med et Commercial Sanity Check får du en enkel visualisering af jeres marketingindsatsers kommercielle udbytte. Når vi har modtaget din anmodning, går vi tallene igennem og vender hurtigst muligt tilbage med dit overblik. Som regel indenfor et par dage. Hvis vi har spørgsmål, tager vi fat i dig på mail.

Tag dit Commercial Sanity Check herTag dit Commercial Sanity Check her

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Brian Carlson

CEO, Partner